Supporting and Engaging the Elderly Population in St. Louis, Missouri

The Lutheran Foundation is devoted to providing quality care & support services for elderly & disabled in St. Louis, Chicago & Peoria. HouseFit's MallFit walking program & Aging Ahead's Dementia Friendly America initiative are helping seniors stay active & connecte

Supporting and Engaging the Elderly Population in St. Louis, Missouri

The Lutheran Foundation is devoted to providing quality care and support services for the elderly and disabled in St. Louis, Chicago, and Peoria. Through grants, the Foundation seeks to invest in programs and services that promote optimal health and well-being for older adults. This includes preventive and ongoing care, enabling functional independence, and allowing older adults to participate and contribute significantly to their congregations and communities. HouseFit has launched its MallFit walking programs as part of its Stay Active STL initiative.

This is a great way for seniors to meet and exercise in a warm, dry, climate-controlled environment with accessible bathrooms and places to sit if needed. Every week, participants are challenged to focus on strength, endurance, or balance, while tracking progress to help them stay motivated and achieve their goals. Aging Ahead has partnered with Dementia Friendly America and the Dementia Friends USA initiative to join the global movement that is changing the way people think, act, and talk about dementia. The United Methodist Church has played a decisive role in the development of Gambrill Gardens, although organizations that qualify to apply for grants do not require religious affiliations or requirements. The Louis metropolitan area is engaging and equipping local churches to respond to the call of Jesus in Matthew 25 to intervene in the lives of children and families in crisis. The Center for Family Counseling and Therapy (CCFT) at the University of San Luis (SLU) is creating a new group aimed at older people who need more social support and connection in their community. Aging Ahead and the Missouri Department of Agriculture have partnered to offer seniors the Missouri Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program, which offers benefits to low-income individuals over 60 years of age who reside in one of Missouri's 47 counties.

To help the host church (Immanuel) coordinate Grace Day, which will now rotate among the five participating Jefferson County Lutheran churches. The Lutheran Foundation is committed to providing quality care for elderly individuals in St. Through grants, they are investing in programs that promote optimal health and well-being for seniors. HouseFit's MallFit walking program is an excellent way for older adults to exercise in a comfortable environment with accessible bathrooms and seating areas. Additionally, Aging Ahead has partnered with Dementia Friendly America to join a global movement that is changing how people think about dementia. The Louis metropolitan area is engaging local churches to respond to Jesus' call in Matthew 25 by intervening in the lives of children and families in crisis.

The Center for Family Counseling and Therapy (CCFT) at SLU has created a new group specifically for seniors who need more social support. Furthermore, Aging Ahead has partnered with the Missouri Department of Agriculture to offer seniors the Missouri Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program. Finally, Grace Day rotates among five Jefferson County Lutheran churches with help from Immanuel Church. This program provides an opportunity for elderly individuals to connect with their community while receiving quality care from the Lutheran Foundation.

Deana Gangwish
Deana Gangwish

Lifelong twitter expert. Hipster-friendly tv scholar. Unapologetic twitter guru. General travelaholic. Amateur zombie fanatic.